.. index:: datalad; drop, subdataset KBI0005: Drop a subdataset to speed up superdataset operations ============================================================== :authors: Laura Waite :discussion: https://github.com/psychoinformatics-de/knowledge-base/pull/21 :keywords: subdataset, datalad drop In certain situations, superdatasets can contain heavy subdatasets (e.g. with many files) that slow down dataset operations. A common example of this is a BIDS dataset with a nested ``sourcedata`` subdataset that contains the source DICOM files from the file format conversion to NIfTI. :: bids_ds ├── sourcedata │   └── DICOM │   └── data1.dcm -> ../../.git/annex/objects/WF/m1/MD5E-s8--2eade17812e56a0028cb69f7813fc33c.dcm/MD5E-s8--2eade17812e56a0028cb69f7813fc33c.dcm │   └── data2.dcm -> ../../.git/annex/objects/WF/m1/MD5E-s8--2eade17812e56a0028cb69f7813fc33c.dcm/MD5E-s8--2eade17812e56a0028cb69f7813fc33c.dcm │   └── data3.dcm -> ../../.git/annex/objects/WF/m1/MD5E-s8--2eade17812e56a0028cb69f7813fc33c.dcm/MD5E-s8--2eade17812e56a0028cb69f7813fc33c.dcm ├── sub-01 ├── sub-02 └── sub-03 Solutions --------- Drop the subdatatset ******************** If the sourcedata does not need to be kept locally (and it already lives in another secure location), the simplest solution is to drop the subdataset:: $ cd bids_ds $ datalad drop -d . --what datasets sourcedata If the sourcedata does not live in another secure location (meaning the file content can't safely be dropped), see the `DataLad Handbook`_ for examples of how to configure siblings to be able to push the data to a new location. .. _DataLad Handbook: http://handbook.datalad.org/en/latest/basics/101-141-push.html#the-general-overview